Author's full registration: 350EUR (385USD)
Additional conference dinner ticket: 50EURO (55USD)
Additional page: 50EUR (55USD) per page
Author's full registration includes: conference materials, publication fee, entrance on entire conference sessions and keynotes, banquet ticket and coffee breaks,
Unfortunately the Applied Big Data (ABD 2016) summer training workshop has been cancelled by the organizers of the event.
Participants of the Workshop on Machine Learning should register by e-mail: aml.icss@pwr.edu.pl. Please provide the following information:
- First Name and Surname
- Institution
- Position
- Paper ID (if applicable)
- Confirmation of payment
Payments details
Payment deadline: 7.08.2016
Foundation for Development of the Technical University of Wroclawaddress: Wybrzeze Wyspianskiego 27, 50-370 Wroclaw, Poland
VAT-ID: PL8980027873
bank's name: Bank Zachodni WBK S.A.
bank's address: B.Chrobrego 12-14, PL50254 Wroclaw, POLAND
bank's branch number: 15001067
account EUR no PL 71 1500 1067 1210 6007 7963 0000
account USD no PL 05 1500 1067 1210 6009 1190 0000
In the title of the payment please provide: ICSS 2016, Paper No. [PUT YOUR NUMBER], [PUT YOUR NAME]
For an attendee without a paper please provide: ICSS 2016, NO PAPER, [PUT YOUR NAME] Researchers from Polish universities are obliged to fill in the following statement: [docx], [pdf], and send its scan to jaroslaw.drapala@pwr.edu.pl.